28 February 2010


Today, Ash and I went out to our locations and filmed our shots. We started by filming the insert shot of the abandoned door, and then worked our way through each shot we needed to film in chronological order. A couple of problems we faced included members of the public who went passed us whilst we filmed, and the wind blowing the camera when we filmed, which resulted in the camera suddenly moving part way through a shot. To counter any problems like this, we made sure we filmed each shot at least twice, and occasionally we did more, as with the running shot, that which we filmed 5 times so that we could see what camera angle and zoom looked best. Unfortunately, the second take of our final shot, the antagonist walking up to the door, resulted in the cameras battery running out, despite being charged before we started filming.

Next we shall capture our shots off the tape and will start to edit them together so that we can see what needs re-shooting and what is ok.

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