23 February 2010


This is our finished storyboard. As can be seen, we have drawn 15 shots that roughly show what we want to be in the final piece. There will be more shots than this and we will take them once we see what needs adding. We used the storyboard to roughly outline what each shot will be, when filming we will record using multiple techniques on each shot, and we will add close ups and other camera styles once we edit.

Shot 1: Camera is behind a fence looking at a path. Character walks past.
Shot 2: Camera is on the path watching the character walk away.
Shot 3: Camera is on a raised area looking down at the character walk over to and sit on a bench.
Shot 4: Camera is on a raised area looking down at the character on the bench. Character stands and walks out of shot.
Shot 5, 7, 9: Camera is at one end of a long path and the character at the other. Character walks towards the camera.
Shot 6: Insert shot of a doorway/opening to building.
Shot 8: Insert shot of a room. Camera pans.
Shot 10: Character walking along a path, starts running as sirens are heard in the background. Camera tracks character.
Shot 11: Character runs around a corner and past the camera.
Shot 12: Character runs half way down a path and bends over to catch his breath. Camera zooms in slightly.
Shot 13: Character walks along a pavement past houses. Camera pans with him.
Shot 14: Camera across a road facing a house. Character walks up to the house and enters.
Shot 15: Inside the house, mess everywhere, camera pans.

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